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안구건조증의 새로운 치료제인 레스타시스(cyclosporine 0.1%) 가 알러지성 각결막염의 치료에도 효과가 있음이 최근에 다시 증명되었다.
레스타시스는 눈물막을 불안정하게 만드는 만성염증을 치료하고, 각막의 감각을 회복시켜 눈물생성을 촉진시키는 신약이다.
최근 일본의 연구팀에 의하면 레스타시스의 항염증효과가 알러지성 염증에서도 효과가 있음이 입증되었다.
봄철각결막염(VKC)와 아토피성각결막염(AKC)환자에서 레스타시스 사용후에 가려움, 분비물, 이물감 등의 자각증상과 충혈,
발적, 유듀뷰종드의 타각적 징후 모두 각각 45%, 22% 정도 줄었고, 녹내장을 유발할 수 있는 스테로이드 안약의 사용도 30%에서
끊을수 있었다. 약 사용시에 불편한 점은 따가운 자극증상(4.4%)이었다.
레스타시스는 알러지성 각결막염에서 효과적이고 안전하게 사용할 수 있는 안약이라 생각된다.
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
A Large Prospective Observational Study of Novel Cyclosporine 0.1% Aqueous Ophthalmic Solution in the Treatment of Severe Allergic Conjunctivitis

Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a novel cyclosporine 0.1% aqueous ophthalmic solution in a large population with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) and atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC).

Methods: A prospective observational postmarketing study was initiated in Japan. A total of 594 patients with VKC or AKC were started on this drug within 1 year after market launch (January 2006) and completed a 6-month follow-up. These patients were observed clinically, and subjective ocular symptoms (itching, discharge, tearing, photophobia, foreign body sensation, and pain), objective signs (hyperemia, swelling, follicle, papillae, and giant papillae for the tarsal conjunctiva; hyperemia and edema for the bulbar conjunctiva; Trantas dots and swelling for the limbus; and corneal involvement), and adverse events were recorded.

Results: All scores for symptoms and signs significantly decreased from Month 1 through Month 6 of treatment in both VKC and AKC. Median total symptom scores at baseline, Month 1, and Month 6 were 6, 2, and 1, respectively, for VKC, and 7, 3, and 2, respectively, for AKC. Similarly, median total sign scores were 12, 7, and 5, respectively, for VKC, and 14, 10, and 7, respectively, for AKC. The percentage of patients able to complete topical cyclosporine 0.1% therapy within 6 months due to alleviation of symptoms was higher for VKC (44.4%) than for AKC (21.9%). In both VKC and AKC, 30% of steroid users were able to discontinue topical steroids. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were found in 12.0% of patients, and the most common ADR was eye irritation (4.4%). Infectious corneal complications were observed in five AKC patients, including two cases of bacterial corneal ulcer and three cases of herpetic keratitis; all of these patients were concomitantly using topical steroids.

Conclusions: Topical cyclosporine 0.1% is an effective and safe treatment for VKC and AKC.

[이 게시물은 SEE삼성안과님에 의해 2012-09-19 17:58:07 언론보도에서 이동 됨]