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정상적이고 좋은 성분의 눈물이 각막을 촉촉하게 적셔주는 것은 정상각막의 건강유지에 중요하며,

근시교정술후 시력과 각막건강의 회복에 특히 더 중요하다. 

라식수술 후 원래 있던 안구건조증의 호전이 되지 않아 불편한 경우가 있다.

필자도 건조증이 심해서 라섹수술 후 3개월부터 레스타시스를 사용한 경우에 호전을 보인 경우가

여럿 있어서 레스타시스 안약의 효과를 느끼고 있던차에, 이에 대한 최신 미국논문이 나왔다.

라식후 레스타시스 안약을 추가한 경우에서 시력회복도 빠르고, 나안시력도 더 좋았다.

이는 촉촉한 눈물의 역할이 각막의 건강에 얼마나 도움이 되는지 다시 한번 알게해주는 보고라 할수있고,

수술을 받은경우는 물론, 수술을 하지 않은 안구건조증에서도 눈물의 역할이 매우 중요하다고 생각된다.  


The Effect of Cyclosporine A (Restasis) on Recovery of Visual Acuity Following LASIK

Journal of Refractive Surgery  Vol. 24   No. 5   May 2008
Roxana Ursea, MD; Tracy L. Purcell, PhD; Bryan U. Tan, MD; Aniruddha Nalgirkar, MD; Mario E. Lovaton, MD; Michael P. Ehrenhaus, MD; David J. Schanzlin, MD


To compare the recovery of uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) following LASIK in patients treated with topical cyclosporine A 0.05% and patients treated with a standard postoperative regimen.


In this single-center, open-label, retrospective study, a standard refractive workup was performed in 45 patients (85 eyes) who underwent LASIK and did not have preexisting dry eye. In 36 eyes, a standard postoperative eye drop regimen was followed, and in 49 eyes, cyclosporine A 0.05% was added to the standard regimen for 12 weeks. Uncorrected visual acuity was measured 1 week and 1 and 3 months postoperatively.


One week postoperatively, 22 (44.9%) eyes in the cyclosporine A group and 8 (22.2%) eyes in the standard treatment group had UCVA of 20/15. Cumulatively, 36 (73.5%) eyes in the cyclosporine A group and 24 (66.7%) eyes in the standard treatment group had UCVA of 20/20 or better. One month postoperatively, 37 (75.5%) in the cyclosporine A group and 23 (63.9%) eyes in the standard treatment group had UCVA of 20/20 or better. Three months postoperatively, 40 (81.6%) eyes in the cyclosporine A group and 25 (69.4%) eyes in the standard treatment group had UCVA of 20/20 or better. Mean UCVA in the cyclosporine A group showed statistically significant improvements compared with the standard treatment group.


Cyclosporine A 0.05%, in the form of Restasis, may be an effective treatment for reducing the time needed for visual recovery after LASIK. Use of cyclosporine A was associated with overall better and faster recovery of UCVA. [J Refract Surg. 2008;24:473-476.]


[이 게시물은 SEE삼성안과님에 의해 2012-09-19 17:58:19 언론보도에서 이동 됨]